About SOS Médecins

SOS Médecins – Burkina Faso is a medical humanitarian association created in 2006 by health professionals (doctors, pharmacists, biologists, nurses…) and other members of society. The organisation’s social mission is to come to the aid of populations in distress, disaster-stricken communities and populations made vulnerable by disease (HIV, malnutrition), age, incarceration or precarious social or economic contexts. The health needs of these populations are particularly acute.

SOS Médecins
© SOS Médecins Formation VIH SIDA maisons d'arrêt et de correction

Their activities

Our partnership

In order to accelerate climate action and resilience to climate change within national NGOs in Africa, SOS Médecins Burkina Faso became a partner of the Climate Action Accelerator in January 2023. The association is committed to moving towards a sustainable, resilient and low-carbon development model, while strengthening its medical action in favour of populations and communities and its capacity to respond to and prepare for the consequences of global warming.

This partnership includes :

  • a commitment to pursue a sustainable, resilient and low-carbon development model
  • regular, transparent and public measurement of its environmental impact
  • participation in a collective cycle with other similar partners to build together a tailored roadmap and priority implementation projects and participation in the three pillars of the initiative

Cover photo © SOS Médecins