A beautiful, winding road meandering through a lush forest seen from an aerial perspective.
Cover photo © Damir Babacic/Unsplash.

Published Carbon footprints

  • Action plan
  • Methodology
  • Process

Since the creation of the Climate Action Accelerator, we’ve helped our partners release six carbon footprints. These carbon footprints are a baseline measurement of an organisation’s emissions. They are an essential first step, identifying the state of affairs and where the biggest sources emissions for the organisation lie. 

If you need more information about what a Carbon footprint is, visit our presentation page

What is a carbon footprint

Our co-published carbon footprints

A small village with a muddy road and a cloudy sky, where the published carbon footprints of its inhabitants are monitored.

ALIMA's Carbon Footprint

This report is a snapshot of ALIMA’s greenhouse gas emissions that will be used as a reference to identify and measure the organisation’s main sources of emissions and that will help define a strategy.

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MSF OCP's Carbon Footprint

The MSF OCP Carbon footprint report below quantifies the various sources of greenhouse gas emissions for which MSF OCP is accountable and complies with the international standards on the matter.

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A group of people walking on a beach with boats in the background while considering their published carbon footprints.

MSF OCG's Carbon Footprint

The footprint report below quantifies the various sources of greenhouse gas emissions for which MSF OCG is accountable and complies with the international standards on the matter.

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A group of children are waving their hands in front of a published hut with carbon footprints.

TdH Suisse's Carbon Footprint

This report provides a detailed account of the carbon footprint of the international coordination (IC) and national coordinations (NCs) of Terre des Hommes Suisse. The measure is the baseline used for TdH Suisse’s 2030 reduction target. 

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tdg schweiz's Carbon Footprint

This report provides a detailed account of the carbon footprint of the international coordination (IC) and national coordinations (NCs) of terre des hommes schweiz. The measure is the baseline used for its 2030 reduction target.  

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Other Carbon Footprint

A group of children are posing for a photo, acting out a roadmap.

ACTED's Carbon Footprint

In accordance with its 3Zero Vision (Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty), ACTED engaged with EcoAct and published in January 2019 ACTED’s 2017 Carbon Footprint Report for all its countries of intervention.   

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A group of people standing on a hill next to a red cross vehicle, publishing carbon footprints.

ICRC's Carbon Footprint

In 2018, the ICRC began a project to develop a carbon accounting tool that would allow the institution to monitor its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on an annual basis.  In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic imposed significant restrictions across the world, whether teleworking obligations, travel suspensions, or supply chain disruptions. The impacts of these measures are strikingly visible in the ICRC’s 2020 carbon footprint. 

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