A beautiful, winding road meandering through a lush forest seen from an aerial perspective.
Cover photo © Damir Babacic/Unsplash.

Published Roadmaps

  • Action plan
  • Methodology
  • Process

Since the creation of the Climate Action Accelerator, we’ve collaborated on and released ten climate and environmental roadmaps. These roadmaps are designed to assist organizations in advancing their decarbonization initiatives and reaching their goal of reducing carbon emissions by 50% before 2030. You can explore all our published roadmaps here, and keep an eye out for many more coming your way soon!

If you need more information about what a roadmap is, visit our presentation page

What is a roadmap

Our co-published roadmaps

GCSP's Climate and Environmental Roadmap

GCSP has developed its roadmap to reduce its carbon footprint by 50% by 2030 in collaboration with Climate Action Accelerator with the aim of forging a path towards a more sustainable, secure, and peaceful future.

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MSF OCB's Environmental Roadmap

MSF OCB has examined its practices and set goals to reduce its carbon footprint by 50% by 2030 in collaboration with Climate Action Accelerator. The resulting roadmap identifies the key solutions and required actions in its decarbonisation journey.

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DCAF's Climate and Environment Commitments

DCAF is committed to being part of the answer to climate change through its own organizational changes as well as through its work with partners in the field.

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Epicentre's Climate and Environmental Roadmap

Reducing its environmental impact is now one of Epicentre’s missions. In order to carry out its decarbonisation process, Epicentre has developed a Climate and Environment Roadmap with 24 concrete solutions to achieve its goal of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50% and optimising waste management by 2030.

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DNDi's Climate and Environmental Roadmap

DNDi has committed to reducing their carbon footprint by 50% by 2030, and this roadmap will be their guide as they take their first steps on the pathway to net zero.

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A person is crossing a flooded river while following the roadmap of Alima.

ALIMA's Roadmap

Considering the scientific consensus and the Paris Agreement’s objective to achieve carbon neutrality on a global scale by 2050, ALIMA decided in 2020 to reduce its emissions by 50% by 2030, without resorting to external offsets.

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A group of people sitting under a tree at the MSF operational centre in Geneva.

MSF OCG's Roadmap

In light of global warming and the environmental crisis, MSF OCG endeavours to respond to the related growing humanitarian consequences and health impacts on the most vulnerable communities, while at same time reducing the organisation’s climate and environmental footprint. MSF OCG will bear witness to the consequences of the climate crisis on the health and wellbeing of our patient populations.

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Roadmap of the Alliance tdh schweiz / TdH Suisse

The Alliance terre des hommes schweiz / Terre des Hommes Suisse has decided to integrate, the necessary reduction of its environmental footprint as a central element of its good management, its accountability toward beneficiaries and its credibility as a civil society actor striving for climate justice.

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MSF OCP's Roadmap

MSF OCP wants to further reduce the pollution generated by its field activities and is committed to halving its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, as recommended by the IPCC.

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Tdh Foundation's Roadmap

Tdh Foundation's Roadmap

Taking note of the scientific consensus and the urgent call to action, Tdh Foundation has committed to and is taking action to reduce its emissions by 50% by 2030.

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Our African partners' roadmaps

Alerte Santé's roadmap

Explore Alerte Santé’s roadmap. The solutions focus mainly on strengthening the resilience of the NGO’s health programmes, waste management and recycling, as well as climate-related risk management through environmental education. 

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AMCP-SP's roadmap

AMCP-SP, through its roadmap, advocates solutions centred on waste management and supporting local recycling actors, mass awareness-raising for the climate resilience of populations and reforestation in their areas of intervention.

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BEFEN'S roadmap

The central themes of BEFEN’s roadmap include reforestation, sustainable waste management in medical facilities, the use of renewable energy and strengthening the resilience of health programmes.

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KEOOGO's roadmap

In KEOOGO’s roadmap, the objectives targeted by the NGO focus on the creation of a One Health village, strengthening the use of renewable energy, strengthening stakeholders around KEOOGO in practices that reinforce environmental stewardship.

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SOS Médecins' roadmap

SOS Médecins’ roadmap and actions are mainly focused on piloting agroecology projects in innovative contexts, recycling waste and water, using solar energy and building the capacity of stakeholders, particularly within the One Health concept. 

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Progress reports

ALIMA Progress Report

ALIMA's progress report

Almost two years after the publication of its first environmental roadmap, ALIMA is sharing its progress and the lessons learned from its commitment. The publication of this first progress report aims to share the lessons learnt by ALIMA since 2021 with all stakeholders in the humanitarian and health ecosystems.

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Other roadmaps

An aerial view of a winding roadmap in the forest.

ACTED's Roadmap

In June 2021, ACTED published its Greening Strategy 2021-2025Through this strategy, ACTED aims to reduce its carbon footprint by at least 30% by 2025, 50% by 2030 in line with IPCC recommendations and ultimately achieve carbon neutrality for its operations.

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