About the webinar
White, green or double roof – What roofing options to reduce energy consumption?
The roof is the part of a building most exposed to weather conditions. It can be designed to reduce a building’s energy consumption, thereby contributing to the interior thermal comfort of occupants and reducing costs. The roof can be insulated, fitted with solar protection, painted white or vegetated. In addition to its protective role, the roof can also be a source of energy. Covered with photovoltaic solar panels, it can produce the electricity needed to run the building, or even more. The roof can also be used to collect rainwater, to cover part of the water needs.
This webinar focuses on the thermal and indoor comfort aspects that roofs can bring to users. It deals with hot and very hot environments and presents roofing solutions that cool indoor spaces without using energy-guzzling equipment such as air conditioners. Cool Roof France will present its reflective white paint, while Greenskin will showcased its planted and insulating roofing solutions. The Climate Action Accelerator will share examples of over-roofing and double roofing. Speakers will present concrete, successful examples of their use around the world, backed up by figures.
When and where?
July 04, 2023 (Thursday) | 1.00 – 2.30 pm (CET Geneva time)
Language: this webinar will be held in French and translated simultaneously into English via the Zoom tool.
Cool Roof
Since 2015, Cool Roof France has been offering a passive cooling solution that involves painting roofs with a white paint that reflects 90% of the sun’s rays. This paint, which limits the absorption and accumulation of heat in buildings, lowers interior temperatures by an average of 6°C, significantly reducing energy consumption in air-conditioned premises. This relatively simple, low-cost solution means that as many people as possible can cool their buildings in a low-tech, socially just way. Cool Roof operates in several countries around the world and is involved in not-for-profit projects. A passive cooling programme for buildings in Senegal, for example, was launched in 2020. In collaboration with local private and public stakeholders, a number of sites (homes, a polytechnic school, secondary schools, a clinic, a health centre and a blood transfusion centre) were selected for a total of 16,000m² of painted roofs, and 20 painters were trained.
Website: https://www.coolroof-france.com/en/homepage/
Speaker: Julien Martin-Cocher, General Director, Cool Roof France.
Greenskin is a Reunion-based company specialising in the supply, installation and maintenance of green roofs and indoor and outdoor green walls. With 15 years’ experience, Greenskin operates in hot and humid climates such as Reunion Island. Greenskin offers a lightweight, modular, made-to-measure, tiltable and connected green wall. The benefits are numerous: it reduces the temperature inside buildings by around 8°C, reduces outside noise by around 50 decibels, cleans the air, absorbs around 6 kg of CO2 per m2/year, protects buildings from bad weather and enhances biodiversity. The irrigation system uses very little water, around 0.5 l/m2/day. The Greeskin solution is patented in 81 countries.
Website: https://www.greenskin.tech/
Speaker: Stéphane Boudrandi, Cofounder of Greenskin.
Climate Action Accelerator
The CAA will present the advantages of over-roofs and double roofs, and the main rules to be observed. These installations can be fitted with solar panels. Over-roofing consists of installing a new roof on top of the old one, in parallel, while leaving a space to install thermal insulation from the outside. Over-roofing works well on corrugated iron, slate or shingle roofs. This type of renovation work is generally simpler, quicker and cheaper than replacing a roof. A double roof consists of two roofs, one directly above the other, separated by a large air space to allow good ventilation. The upper roof protects the lower roof from direct sunlight. The two roofs can be pitched differently. The double roof system reduces heat flow by around 50%. Successful examples of the use of over-roofs and double roofs in hot and very hot environments will be presented.
Double roof: https://architropics.com/double-roof-for-cooler-house/
White roofs : https://climateactionaccelerator.org/solutions/white_roofs/
Speaker: Pascal Carré
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Cover photo © David Pisnoy on Unsplash.