A group of people in a boat holding signs supporting the mission of terre des hommes suisse.

Terre des Hommes Suisse

Terre des Hommes Suisse is an independent non-governmental organisation, recognised as a public utility, with its headquarters in Geneva. For almost 60 years, Terre des Hommes Suisse has been committed to children and a solidarity-based development, working in partnership with local organisations in 10 countries to defend children’s rights.

The organisation has a strong expertise in the integrated promotion of the right to participation, protection against exploitation and violence, and education, including education for sustainable development. 

Key facts

  • Countries of intervention: 10 countries   
  • Number of employees: 47 employees + 400 volunteers (2021)
  • Expenditure: CHF 8.5 million (2021) 

TdH Suisse's carbon footprint in 2019

491 tonnes of CO2e

Main emissions categories

37.5% or 184 tCO2e: purchase of services

Main emissions categories

36.5% or 180 tCO2e: transport

Main emissions categories

15.7% or 77 tCO2e: purchase of goods

Main emissions categories

7.4% or 36 tCO2e: energy for buildings


Terre des Hommes Suisse entered into a partnership with the Climate Action Accelerator in July 2021. Through this collaboration, the organisation has begun elaborating its environmental roadmap in October 2021. The roadmap was finally adopted in January 2023.

Environmental commitment

Terre des Hommes Suisse engages in country-level environmental initiatives by developing programs and projects related to the environment that involve children in concrete actions for a fairer and more sustainable world. Additionally, with its expertise in education for sustainable and inclusive development, Terre des Hommes Suisse raises awareness of the environment among young people and children and their communities through different projects.

In 2014, TdH Suisse developed an action plan with an allocated budget to reduce its environmental impact. Travel policies, purchasing policies and events were put in place. At headquarters, 90% of employees already come to the office by bike or public transport.

The existing “Swiss programme” raises awareness of children in different schools on subjects such as children’s rights, solidarity but also the environment, notably through its project Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

Finally, the Robin des Watts project deploys technical installations (greenhouse, solar water heating and insulation) on school buildings to improve learning conditions for pupils, and the Imagine Festival and the Marche de l’Espoir events integrate sustainability requirements in their organisation (see roadmap for more information).


Publication of the environmental roadmap


Development of the environmental roadmap

Cover photo ©TdH Suisse/Carmen Barrantes.