Our 5 new African partners – local NGOs in the Sahel

Since January 2023, the Climate Action Accelerator has been working with 5 local NGOs based in West Africa and the Sahel, on a pilot project to develop tailored, adaptation and resilience-focused, low-carbon roadmaps.

Alerte Santé | AMCP-SP | BEFEN | KEOOGO | SOS Médecins


To accelerate climate action and resilience within national NGOs in Africa, these local actors have committed to moving towards a sustainable, resilient and low-carbon development model, while strengthening their medical and social action in favour of populations and communities. As partners of ALIMA, our collaboration with them began with the implementation phase of the ALIMA roadmap. The latter included raising awareness among its partners to reflect on their own climate and environmental strategies, and mobilising them to take climate action themselves. This is an essential principle of the Climate Action Accelerator: that our partners influence their ecosystems in order to contribute to transforming the entire sector.

At the end of May 2023, with ALIMA as our gracious host, the Climate Action Accelerator organised workshops in Dakar with 2 of these partners (Alerte Santé and KEOOGO), enabling us to go further in the co-construction of their roadmaps.

In october 2023, after the public event “Urgence climatique, aide et santé en Afrique de l’Ouest: Enjeux, solutions concrètes et accélération” on october 17th in Dakar, the Climate Action Accelerator hosted a 2-day workshop with the other 3 NGOs. Joined by the focal points from SOS Médecins (Burkina Faso), AMCP-SP (Mali) and BEFEN (Niger), these two days allowed us to work on the selection of solutions, the structure of their roadmaps and the means to assemble to integrate climate resilience measures intro their programmes. 

Find out more about our partners