Like you, we are deeply concerned. Climate disruption is unfolding before our eyes, with the scientific community urgently calling for a drastic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and better preparation for its impacts. Yet, as we see on the news every day, public responses remain inadequate in the face of this monumental challenge to humanity and our planet.
Since we founded the Climate Action Accelerator in 2021, we have been convinced that together we have the means to act. But what we need now are new models to accelerate the transition to a sustainable future and create a domino effect to make this happen.
Today, we are leading a transformation laboratory with a series of pilot projects. Our 34 partners—primarily from the healthcare and international aid sectors—provide vital services while committing to meaningful climate action. Together, we develop and implement concrete, practical solutions that address the needs of the most vulnerable and respect planetary boundaries. From building sustainable hospitals more resilient to impacts, to adapting infrastructure and fostering responsible procurement, we are creating the tools and know-how to inspire broader, systemic change. To maximise impact, we make our results and resources freely available to empower as many people and organisations as possible. We also engage with public and private decision-makers to support them in developing policies which may ensure a successful transition.
Yet the urgency of the situation demands that we do more. High trust professional sectors like healthcare and international aid, but also education and research, have a decisive role to play in shifting practices at scale.
Over the past three years, we have proven our ability to deliver impact. But time is running out. With your support, we can move forward with further steps and continue accelerating climate action. This is why I am reaching out to you today to ask for your exceptional support to our activities by making a tax-exempt donation to our non-for-profit initiative and clicking here:
Donate nowYour generosity can make a difference at a time when mobilisation is needed more than ever. Learn all about our activities and please also consider sharing this message with your friends, family, and networks.
Together, we can take action, protect and prepare our future.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Bruno Jochum
Founding director, Climate Action Accelerator
About our initiative
Learn more about our activities
Brief presentation