Comité d’Appui et de Soutien Au Développement Économique et Social (CASADES)


CASADES (Le Comité d’Appui et de Soutien Au Développement Économique et Social en Casamance) was set up in Dakar in 1997 as a result of a brainstorming session between students from the natural region of Casamance who had been affected by the conflict there and were determined to do their part to bring about a definitive return to peace.

CASADES was recognised as a non-profit association in 2006 under number 14GRKD/sb. CASADES has more than fifteen years’ experience in implementing development projects and programmes for disadvantaged populations, either on its own or as part of a consortium. Over the years, CASADES has developed a great deal of expertise in structuring and supporting community umbrella organisations, to make them drivers of change and promoters of endogenous development.


Our partnership

Through its participation in the second collective cycle of the Climate Action Accelerator in Africa, CASADES is committed to moving towards a sustainable, resilient and low-carbon development model, while strengthening its action in favour of populations and communities and its capacity to deal with the consequences of global warming.

Cover photo: CASADES