Collective cycle West Africa

Launch of a new collective cycle in Africa – 8 new NGOs join the Accelerator

  • Partners
  • west africa
  • Collective cycle

The Climate Action Accelerator, in collaboration with the Suba collective and the PFONGUE platform, officially launched a new collective cycle with eight NGOs in West Africa in November 2024


Like the first collective cycle, which brought together 5 African local and national NGOs active mainly in humanitarian aid, this cycle aims to help organisations adopt sustainable, resilient and low-carbon development models, while strengthening their capacity to fulfil their missions in increasingly challenging contexts.

A first kick-off workshop was organised online in November 2024 with the eight partner NGOs. This inaugural event was an opportunity to officially launch the cycle and present the main stages of the collaborative approach, the culmination of which is the production, for each NGO, of a strategic roadmap designed to increase their climate resilience and reduce their ecological footprint.

A second workshop was held in December 2024 in Dakar, this time in person. It brought together teams from the Climate Action Accelerator and focal points from each of the eight partner NGOs. The workshop provided an opportunity to present in detail the simplified methodology for measuring their waste and carbon impact, and to lay the foundations for designing climate roadmaps. Participants worked on the first selection of their solutions and the structure of their roadmaps, and worked on identifying the means needed to integrate resilience and sustainability into their activities.

Collective cycle West Africa

A year-long co-constructed support programme

Throughout 2025, the collective cycle will roll out through virtual and in-person workshops as well as fortnightly meetings with the focal points from each NGO. Thematic webinars will enrich the process as well as the skills for each participating organisation and the finalised roadmaps will be published and presented to the community of action of the Accelerator. Find out more about each NGO below:

This cycle's 8 NGOs