An aerial view of an iceberg in antarctica.
Cover photo © USGS/Unsplash.

Who we are

  • Approach
  • Climate Action Accelerator
  • Aim

Climate Action Accelerator is a not-for-profit initiative that aims to mobilise a critical mass of common good organisations to scale-up climate solutions, empowering them to radically transform their practices and contributing to tipping entire sectors of society towards low carbon, resilient and sustainable models.

Our initiative

Climate Action Accelerator was created in 2020 as a Geneva-based initiative with the aim to contribute to containing global warming well below 2°C and strengthen resilience.

Our rationale for action

The climate emergency is one of the greatest challenges of our time. More frequent weather events act as threat multipliers that can lead to displacements, migration, disruption in food and water supplies, public health emergencies, and favours instability and violence.

Faced with this situation, facts are clear: we are not doing enough.

With currently implemented policies, global warming risks reaching 3.2°C (1), very far away from the goals for the Paris Agreement framework aiming at keeping global warming well below 2°C.

At Climate Action Accelerator, we believe that all actors in society should take the initiative to act at their level to act on what they control and can influence. Doing so, they can contribute to global efforts towards halving greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 while reinforcing their organisational resilience to the climate crisis.

That is why we created a new, innovative approach to climate action.

Our story

Climate Action Accelerator was born out of the original idea of our founder and executive director, Bruno Jochum. Throughout his extensive career as a humanitarian, and former Director General at Médecins Sans Frontières, he witnessed the devastating impacts of climate change on the most vulnerable populations across the world. Shocked by the extreme gravity of the climate crisis and by the insufficient level of response across societies, he explored ways to contribute to collective action and make a difference.

Climate Action Accelerator was created in December 2020. Our first pilot project was developed in collaboration with ALIMA, a medical humanitarian organisation (2). Lessons and knowledge developed were instrumental to bringing on more partners to the initiative and grow into “go to” organisation for operationalising science-based climate pathways in the health and international aid sectors.


Our impact to date

Climate Action Accelerator acts as a radical catalyst for change, helping organisations to “walk the talk” and turn their climate commitments into practice.

We contribute to remove barriers to action and pilot tailor-made, scalable climate solutions for organisations from high social trust sectors, unlocking access to innovation and knowledge-sharing through open communities of action and practices.

What we stand for

Our vision

We envision a climate resilient, low carbon and sustainable future in which global warming would be kept well below 2°C, preserving a safe and just operating space for humanity.

Our mission

We aim to mobilise an exponential number of organisations who deliver essential services to populations, in view of accelerating the implementation of science-based climate pathways and contributing to a domino effect in society.


Empower organizations to at least halve their emissions by 2030 and prepare for greater resilience through a hub of expertise and resources.


Transform them into ambassadors of change within their networks, capable of influencing their peers.


Build a global community of action, sharing climate solutions as a universal common good, to scale up their deployment.

How we trigger change

Climate Action Accelerator acts as a radical catalyst for change, helping organisations to “walk the talk” and turn their climate commitments into practice.

We contribute to remove barriers to action and pilot tailor-made, scalable climate solutions for organisations from high social trust sectors, unlocking access to innovation and knowledge-sharing through open communities of action and practices.

Engage organisations delivering essential services to populations

Remove barriers to action through pilot approaches

Scale-up exponentially the number of organisations in capacity

Initiate a domino effect targeting high social trust sectors

Aim for a global impact

We target high social trust sectors (health, international aid, education, etc.) who deliver essential services to populations and demonstrate a potential to influence others.

We seek to create a domino effect, amplifying change at sectoral level and instigating sectoral tipping points.

We aim for a global impact, working with sectors and partners with an international reach, while aiming to develop local “accelerators” in South East Asia and Africa to better support local climate action acceleration.

Our values

  • Urgency driven

    The climate emergency is one of the greatest challenges of our time, posing an existential threat to humanity. Scientists warn that the situation is deteriorating faster than expected.

    We need to do more and much faster.

    At Climate Action Accelerator, we believe that “business as usual” is not an option anymore. Urgent action at pace and scale is required to contain global warming well below 2°C, strengthen resilience and operate within planetary boundaries

  • Action-oriented

    Every organisation has the capacity to act on what they can control and influence.

    At Climate Action Accelerator, we unlock climate action in organisations through supporting the adoption of strong, unequivocal climate commitments. We then provide them with a compass for operationalising those commitments and taking practical steps. We look for concrete, actionable roadmaps and solutions tailored both for programs and operating models.

  • Collaboration-minded

    Radical collaboration should be at the heart of climate action, especially to learn from others within and across sectors and accelerate the deployment of solutions.

    We are committed to openly share the knowledge and insights that will contribute to the development of people-centred, climate-resilient and sustainable operations.

    We believe that knowledge and tools in climate action should be considered as a common good.

  • People-centred

    Faced with the climate crisis, we are concerned by the need to secure essential services to populations across the world, especially the most vulnerable and those most affected by climate change.

    That’s why we work in priority with organisations delivering essential services to populations but also high social trust and acceleration potential.

    Through our climate action we ultimately aim to contribute to create a safe and just operating safe for humanity.

Our principles for effective emissions reduction

Adopting the following set of principles allows organisations to be part of the global effort to genuinely address the climate emergency and limit global warming below 2C, as close as possible to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

Harmonisation leading to establish effective reduction plans

Adopting and implementing a common set of principles allows emissions reduction strategies to be more consistent and effective.

A compass for acceleration

Effective emissions reduction requires a multi- pronged approach. Promoting the use of guiding principles will help to spread best practice among humanitarian organisations. This will maximise the volume of emissions avoided and will pave the way for coordinated monitoring and reporting on emissions.


  • Principles

  • Generic tools

  • Capacity building

  • Quality control

9 guiding principles for effective emissions reduction

Our anchor

Climate Action Accelerator vision and work is fully aligned with the recommendations from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s latest report (6) (7) (8), and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) (9). We aim to contribute to achieving the Paris Agreement goal of halving GHG emissions by 2030 on a path to “net zero” (10).

We are also inspired by guidance and best practices promoted by reference climate organisations such as the Science-Based Target Initiative (SBTi) (11). We also operate within the planetary boundaries (12) framework, within which humanity can continue to develop and thrive for the generations to come.

These emerging standards and best practices show that the most effective approaches to emissions reduction involve setting quantified targets, defining climate roadmaps, implementing them through concrete plans of action, and regularly and transparently monitoring and reporting on them.

Such approaches are accessible to all types of organisations including operational ones, funding agencies, large international actors, technical entities, programmes, etc. They should be part of larger transition plans towards low carbon, sustainable, resilient operating models.

In the extraordinary times we are facing, Climate Action Accelerator believes that mitigation, adaptation and resilience are closely tied together. Effective climate transformation not only generates crucial climate outcomes but also reinforces our capacity to deliver services to populations as our world is characterised by increased constraints.


(1) “AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023”, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), March 2023, Available here

(2) ALIMA: The Alliance for Medical Action, Available here

(3) Climate Charter, “Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organisations”, Available here, (Accessed 23 May 2024).

(4) Please refer to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), “About Us”, Available here, (Accessed 23 May 2024).

(5) IPCC, “AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023”, 2023, Available here, (Accessed 23 May 2024).

(6) “AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023”, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), March 2023, Available here

(7) IPCC, “Assessment Report AR6”, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Available here, (Accessed 23 May 2024).

(8) IPCC, “Assessment Report AR6”, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Available here, (Accessed 23 May 2024).

(9) “Greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol”, Available here

(10) “Paris Agreement”, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, November 2015, Available here

(11) Science-based target initiative (SBTi), Available here

(12) The planetary boundaries framework, Stockholm Resilience Center, Available here

Cover photo © USGS/Unsplash.