A group of people standing around in vests representing the terre des hommes foundation.

Terre des hommes Foundation

Founded in 1960, the Terre des hommes Foundation (Terre des hommes) is an independent, neutral and impartial Swiss organisation committed to bringing meaningful and lasting change to the lives of children and youth, especially to those most exposed to risks. Terre des hommes focuses on the areas of maternal and child health, children and youth migration, and access to justice. The organisation aims to empower children and youth through active participation and advocates for the respect of children’s rights, supporting them in voicing their needs and interests.

Working in fragile and conflict settings, as well as in stable environments, it has become the leading Swiss organisation for children’s aid. 

Key figures

  • Countries of intervention: 35 countries  
  • Number of employees: 2,190 employees (end of 2021)
  • Expenditures: CHF 97.9 million (2021) 


Terre des hommes signed the partnership agreement with the Climate Action Accelerator in July 2021. Together, we worked on the methodology for the roadmap from September to December 2021. In March 2022, Terre des hommes started constructing its environmental roadmap. 

Environmental commitment

Terre des hommes, in partnership with the Climate Action Accelerator, has committed to accelerate climate action throughout their humanitarian operations by taking these concrete steps: 

  • Measuring the carbon footprint of all Terre des hommes activities and setting up an integrated monitoring system
  • Adopting a decarbonisation trajectory that takes into account the latest scientific warnings and aspires to align with the objectives of the Paris climate agreement – namely a reduction of the organisation’s carbon footprint by 50% by 2030
  • Developing institutional and operational solutions to reduce Terre des hommes’ environmental footprint while strengthening its social mission
  • Integrating the climate and environmental issues into the organisation’s programmatic approach (theories of change)
A group of children supported by the terre des hommes foundation are watering plants in a garden.
©Tdh/Sajana Shrestha

It is in this sense that Terre des hommes has committed itself through its 2021-2024 strategic plan to undertake several priority actions to face the future impacts of climate change. These commitments include limiting the carbon footprint of Terre des hommes’ activities, operationalising mitigation and adaptation measures in its programs, promoting prevention, preparedness and response practices in the face of environmental emergencies, and developing advocacy on the issue of children’s rights and the environment.  


of the environmental roadmap


Signed the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organisations

Cover photo © Tdh/Sebastian Delgado