About MSF Supply

MSF Supply is a cooperative company created in 1989. As the Médecins Sans Frontières humanitarian procurement agency, it provides delivery of medical equipment, logistics and drugs for all international purchases for MSF missions, quality assurance and warehousing.

MSF Supply has the task of ensuring the reliability of the medical and non-medical supply chain to respond to the needs of operations by MSF and other humanitarian organizations, assuring that quality and service correspond to the needs of humanitarian operations, whilst guaranteeing appropriate costs. This collaboration with MSF and other humanitarian organizations allows the development of both synergies between MSF sections and recognized know-how in the humanitarian logistics field.

Number of employees in 2022
16 500
Number of references in catalog in 2021
2 270 tonnes
Quantity of merchandise shipped in 2021

MSF Supply’s partnership with the Climate Action Accelerator

MSF Supply started working with the Climate Action Accelerator in March 2022. The organization will soon be launching the development of an environmental roadmap, together with MSF Logistics, in 2022.

Environmental approach

Through its partnership with the Climate Action Accelerator, MSF Supply is committed to strengthening the sustainability of its procurement and supply activities for humanitarian assistance to vulnerable populations, often those most impacted by climate change, by reducing its environmental impact and accelerating its transition to a low greenhouse gas emission organization.

MSF Supply pledges, in particular:

  • To adopt a quantified decarbonization target of 50% of its direct and indirect emissions by 2030, integrating the elements of the scientific consensus and in line with the objectives of the Paris climate agreement
  • To share with the Climate Action Accelerator community the experience and tools of MSF Supply that contribute to the objectives pursued, thus contributing to a common good available to all on sustainable solutions and approaches to the ecological crisis
  • To be transparent in making public their emission reduction measures and their progress.

Cover photo ©MSF Supply.